New morning! New guest!

New morning! New guest!

I’ve learned to look out for the red flags that may indicate someone will be a bad guest, I’ve learned what policies to outline in order to communicate my expectations for guests, and unfortunately along the way, I’ve let my heart become a little less trusting in the process. Some of this is called wisdom, some of it is cynicism, but regardless, I have developed a motto that I seek to operate by: “Treat every guest as a new guest.

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The tone of hospitality: how to make your guests feel warm & fuzzy in the digital age

The tone of hospitality: how to make your guests feel warm & fuzzy in the digital age

It’s all about your tone! Be sure you go almost overboard with the excitement in your written voice. Think about the fact that your business won’t survive without their patronage. Think about what it’s like to be in their shoes after a long day of traveling and speak to them in a way that shows empathy. You may not be an excitable person, but exclamation points in your text will greatly emphasize the warmth of your tone. We all know how it feels to receive a reply of “Ok.” versus “Ok!” I

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No bnb is an island: love thy neighbor

No bnb is an island: love thy neighbor

When I started the Air Butler, I decided to let my business be driven by three principles: relationships, hospitality and beauty. I firmly believe that many of the world's largest corporate entities have failed to retain some of the aforementioned key components of being human and have done serious harm to their consumers in the process. Today, I want to talk about relationship as it pertains to being a good neighbor.

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Why your prices are not working

Why your prices are not working

As a manager of bnbs, I spend a lot of time looking at rental prices. Once you have a great place for your guests to rent, your prices are one of the main variables that decide whether or not it stays booked. Pricing is much like fishing, and there a several questions you need to know the answer to before you put a line in the water. Who is my ideal guest? What is important to them? How is a weekend guest different from a weekday guest? What's my price floor? This last question is very important because there's a point at which you begin attracting guests who may end up costing you more than it's worth to book them.

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Why guests are picking the other place over yours

Why guests are picking the other place over yours

Your potential guests want more than a good deal on a place to stay, they want to have an experience they can't have anywhere else. They want to have their eyes opened to other people's sense of style and personality. What feature or features are you offering your guests?

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